Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ryan's 18 month check up

Ryan recently had his 18 month doctor's appointment.
He is now 22 lbs and 31 and 3/4 inches long. This puts him in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. Still a little guy.

After the nurse took his head measurement he said "thank you" !!!
While we waited for the doctor, with Ryan in only his diaper, he kept trying to open the door to go SWIMMING. I don't blame him for being confused since we did go swimming at the YMCA just the day before.
After the doctor finished her examine he thanked her too.
I say this to Tim at least 10 times a day (to myself I say it more:)...Ryan is SOOO cute! Ryan is SOOO sweet! Ryan is SOOO funny! Ryan is SOOOO smart!

We thank God everyday (multiple times) for Ryan! We love him so much!

New Years

After Christmas we headed to Phoenix, AZ for a basketball tournament.
Ryan is well traveled!!! We hope our next trip will be back to Murray, KY to visit friends!

South Sioux City played well against the BIG schools. We were able to visit with Don, Renee and DV Cunningham. I lived with them while completing my internship in Phoenix YEARS ago! It was great to see them. I just wish we would have had more time.

New Years Eve was a lot of fun. We went to The Block Party in Tempe, AZ. It was a great way to welcome 2012 after ending 2011 a little "rough" :)

Christmas pictures

We had a great time with family and friends over Christmas and New Years.
Ryan was not afraid of Santa AT ALL. You'll see in the picture he could not take his eyes off of him!